At this point, I'm starting to think that the RINO's bogeyman, Bustamante, would have been more conservative than Schwarzenegger.
That's probably accurate because of Bustamante's Hispanic heritage but that doesn't mean Bustamante would have been more conservative in his fiscal governance.
Bustamante would certainly have managed to support the cost increases of homosexual unions, redistribute wealth to his poor Mexican brethren and increase taxes in hard times to sustain government largess to the Democrat core constituents.
By far the most troubling aspect of his tenure in office would have been the message his political and social success provided to Mexico's poor. Bustamante, born to illegal aliens, reportedly at their US residence in Dinuba, has no birth certificate on file in Tulare County. The troubling aspect of this circumstance is compounded by the fact that his early January birth occurred coincident to his parent's traditional visit to their family in Mexico.
El Pocho. Behold the new citizen of Aztlán. Identifies himself as a Mexican. Actually is sort of American, sort of Latino. Speaks Third-Grade English. Disgraceful kindergarten Spanish. Incoherent fuzzy left thinker in both languages. If you're making a movie about him, CHeech Marín, definitely. Political low-rider.
Helps the Dems mobilize the all-important illegal alien "vote," without which there would definitely be more Republicans in Sacramento to guide Ahnolt. Not only will this Bustamante fool probably be made Governor someday, if we don't shape up the Border and the Southwest voter rolls, he'll run for President!