Yep, Sovereignty passed to the appointed Iraqi provisional government 2 summers ago. Elections for provisional government last January. Constitution drawn up by them and submitted to the voters this October. And now elections for Parliament under their new Constitution will be held in less than two weeks.
Check, check, check, and soon another check.
Sure we fumbled the ball the first year. Who had ever done anything like this before? Anybody who knows anything about the history of warfare knows that there is no war that goes well. That's why "war is Hell."
But with the newly trained Iraqi army gaining strength all the time, we have cleaned up Fallujah, Mosul, Tal Afar and are working our way along the Syrian border with the Iraqi army being the main forces here now.
Where is your Sergeant lately?
Initial tour "over there" was for 14 months (Dec'02 thru Feb'04. He's a Sergeant First Class, career/full-timer but attached as the Training NCO to a Reserve Unit. But, rumors are the "down" window for his Unit will be "Up" soon. But, if that happens that's a good thing because to keep this generic...if all is going to plan...this Unit would be one of those that's there at the "Start" and again at the "Finish".
My Prayers are with the Iraqis...that their elections for Parliament go without any horrendous events. The terrorists have lost there. I was worried until last week when the Shiaa Mosque was targeted and they did not finally rise up in outrage against the Sunnis. If that wasn't provocation enough to start an all out pay-back reprisal for the last 40 years plus...I think they've some solid Leadership. Given Iran's trouble making (May Jimmy Carter repent of the sin of false pride in his heart over his handling of the Middle East)...I cannot understand the stupidity of Politicians here who'd "cheer" for failure in Iraq.