>>>Maybe we should ship it to North Carolina. And BTW You have to charge them rock bottom rates.
If someone in NC thinks they can make some money off of it, why not? Any why would they have to accept a rock bottom rate? Whatever happened to what the market will bear. They've got to get rid of it, so they are likely willing to pay a high price to remove it.
If Canadian garbage has be disposed of in Canada, then does all Michigan garbage have to be disposed of in Michigan - All Detroit garbage in Detroit - Each household's garbage in its own yard?
What is your opinion on the nuclear storage facility in Nevada. Should each state be responsinble for setting up its own storage or should they be allowed to ship it out?
"Any why would they have to accept a rock bottom rate?"
Thank your government. There's a reason it comes to Michigan. The law says that it's illegal to charge neighboring states (and apparently nations) more than the going rate. Since our rates are lowest guess who gets the trash.