To: dennisw
I love how Lowry is now using another anymonous source from Time magazine to bolster his article.
Looks like Lowry is the one taking the boob bait, hook, line, and sinker.
11 posted on
11/30/2005 4:09:50 AM PST by
( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberish)
To: Dane; dennisw; Stellar Dendrite; NRA2BFree; Happy2BMe; Spiff; Pelham; Das Outsider; moehoward; ...
I love how Lowry is now using another anymonous source from Time magazine to bolster his article. Looks like Lowry is the one taking the boob bait, hook, line, and sinker. Dane keeps pooping up just like an good OBL Straw man, we keep knocking him/her down.
Nice how you can't refute the message, so you just attack the messenger, like a good little apparachik!
Dane, you are an OBL fool, and a shill for Illegal behaviour that supports Drug Trafficking, Terrorism, Murder, Robbery and Rape.
All for cheap lettuce, clean toilets, and profit over Principles!
66 posted on
11/30/2005 7:23:58 AM PST by
("The avalanche has already is too late for the pebbles to vote")
To: Dane
I love how Lowry is now using another anymonous source from Time magazine to bolster his article. Looks like Lowry is the one taking the boob bait, hook, line, and sinker. Just when I thought you couldn't make more of a fool of yourself, you step up and outdo yourself. You can't begin to argue against Lowry's points with any substance, so you attack the messenger.
80 posted on
11/30/2005 7:47:44 AM PST by
("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
To: Dane
If anyone is an expert on boob-bait, it has to be you Duh-ane. How's the weather in Pennsylvania today? Seen any West Virginians sneaking over your border lately?
113 posted on
11/30/2005 9:26:14 AM PST by
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