But, she must be getting worried the MoonBats will go someplace else so she's playing to her natural base instead of trying to pretend she's a "moderate".
My translator agrees with yours. It has been upgraded to do Clintonese, and its parent language, Satanese.
The Clinton's thrive on the art of "triangulation". This was Hillary's prefered route to the W.H.
To do this marks her as DESPERATE.
There is absolutely no way she'd say this if she thought she had the nomination locked up. She has just shown her hand to the rest of the field, however, as being weak. This will embolden the other Democrats sensing the Opening has widened for them to take the '08 nom over her.
Meanwhile the 'cut and run' moniker will not help a female, and I'm one, that wants to be Commander-In-Chief in the General election. She is no Maggie Thatcher.
I've said for a long while she isn't a lock, and this act of desperation proves it. Either they'll go hard left, or they'll go with Warner. The Clinton years are almost over. A primary defeat in '08 will make her akin to Kennedy. A has been. A once run who's best days are behind him.
I hope that the RNC nails her wide load to the wall with her lies...especially with all of the statements by her husband, Billy the Red Nosed Reindeer.