>> On the other hand, they might PAY you to take some of
>> those university channels, PBS, MSNBC, and AlGore's
>> network.
> If you mean "they" as in the cable or video operator;
> think again.
It was a joke. If the providers ever do get to a'la carte,
they're likely to be shocked at how few customers are
actually willing to pay for that swill.
> Some of your comments appear to favor an FCC overhaul
> of rules, ...
Nope. I'm just a consumer who prefers choice. I'd rather
that the providers figure out on their own that there's
an untapped market of people who want that same choice,
and for a variety of reasons.
Despite all of the protestations regarding the quality content, many still look to the FCC to "fix" the market. Boycott the advertisers that support the crappy channels, write the crappy channel, or cancel your subscriptions. Or worst of all, do not watch it.