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To: dinodino

Yes, I'm serious. Of course they'll have to "work to improve their plights"

But I don't see what the big deal is to use an unused bus for a weekly bus trip into the city.

53 posted on 11/29/2005 5:14:24 AM PST by Brooklyn Kid (What's it to ya? ) ((....west of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar.................))
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To: Brooklyn Kid

The big deal is that freebies are a good way to ensure that personal responsibility never takes root. They've already received massive, generous doses of charity--the least they can do is arrange to get their own asses to the store.

56 posted on 11/29/2005 5:16:49 AM PST by dinodino
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To: Brooklyn Kid

What MillerCreek said.

57 posted on 11/29/2005 5:17:23 AM PST by dinodino
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To: Brooklyn Kid

Call up a manufacturer and/or truck dealership today and ask them what a good, USED (not to mention, "new") "bus" costs.

Then figure out how much fuel is required to run the thing and for how many miles. Then calculate how many miles it would have to be driven (and by whom, add in a salary for a licensed bus driver) (and insurance for the bus at chaffeur rates), and then figure out the basics to purchase (or lease) a "bus" and to operate it for one, two, maybe three days.

One tank of diesel alone will run far over a hundred dollars...probably close to several. Add that to the costs of the vehicle...and the salary/ies involved...

No one unless the uninsured on rural roads can just acquire "a bus" of any type and condition and "just" make use of it for several days transporting other people on public roads...all of whom will sue if and when their knees are so much as bumped.

The best realm for this type of idea, as I already described, is for some private group or individual to donate (that means, it's a gift from someone else's generosity, just as are the new homes this woman and hers have received, among other things) and then again show up and rescue them with helps and shuttling and Christmas cheer.

The woman is a prime example of just who needs to learn to do for herself. She illustrates that, despite having received great generosity, she is still feeling sorry for what she does not have...and that it could never be enough, probably. She has a spiritual and emotional problem.

Sometimes giving without restrictions to people like this harms them more than helps them. It prevents her from learning useful and good things and had she learned it earlier, she would not feel so unable at present. Better for her to learn that her happiness is within her ability to provide for herself and her children and it's not dependent upon a tree or whatever.

75 posted on 11/29/2005 5:27:19 AM PST by MillerCreek
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