I did say all employment, all motor vehicles, all air and water vehicles, along with any professional licenses. (Now the one that would really be good is broadcasting licenses.)
I don't want some half drunk, hung over jerk off next to me on the freeway having a blackout, nor do I want some doped up idiot wiring a 480 power grid or handling hot fat fryer grease at a fast food joint (they are all just as much an equal danger to others around them).
So just exactly what is your point?
Pay special attention to the jpeg below... there it is...
All secretions of the body are now property of the state.
You will be forced to turn over your secretions and to pay
for purity testing of your secretions. Failure to do so will
warrant termination of citizenship and forced servitude to
all others of purity ad infinitum. Welcome to your world.
I have some puke here for waiting for you to examine.
I believe alcohol was omitted from your list...