Iranian students in the U.S. demonstrate near the White House during Mohammad Reza Shah's official visit to the U.S. in November 1977.
Those protestors were MEK members
A marxist islamist group which is hated by majority of Iranians inside and outside of Iran
btw, whats your point?!
Apparently you don't read much. 70% of the population in Iran is under the age of 30. They are overwhelmingly pro-American. You find a middle east specialist who doesn't agree with that and get back to us.
And btw - your recollection of "the virulent hatred of the Iranian populace to the United States" comes from people like Ted Koppel who only told you about the Iranians who were at the staged rallies. He never mentioned the wishes and feelings of the MILLIONS of Iranians who WEREN'T at the rallies. That's how the media manipulated your opinions (and most Americans') about Iranians. Just like they're manipulating Americans' feelings about Pres. Bush and the war in Iraq.
F14: Those protestors were MEK members - A Marxist Islamist group which is hated by majority of Iranians inside and outside of Iran: btw, whats your point?!
humint: 6323cd, Id like to make clear that F14 is mistaking in this case, the protesters in your picture are not members of the MEK. To your point, back in 1977, the geopolitical environment was very different than it is today. The sentiments of 77 are not particularly relevant now. Those sentiments were popular, bottom up and originated with U.S. support for the Shah. The sentiments of 77 have subsided for a number of reasons that include but are not limited to, contemporary demographics combined with the fact that these days, anti-Americanism is officially enforced in a top down fashion.
Workers strikes, ethnic unrest, newspaper closings, blogger arrests and students protests are measurements of internal restiveness. Each are well documented by the wire services however these stories rarely make the MSM. Massive demonstrations [between 5,000 to 25,000 Iranian expatriates] against the Iranian regime have occurred outside of Iran in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Washington DC, New York and Los Angeles in the last five years. The scope of unrest goes far beyond Iranian students whom you imply will protest anything and everything. Recall that these are students living under dictatorship and have every reason to be in the streets demanding change.