This is good. A clear presentation of the claims of Christ as to His own Person, nature and attributes is vital. Muslims already accept Jesus as a prophet of God, but they reject His being the Son of God (Islam denies that God has ANY sons, let alone the only-begotten Son), and they reject the vicarious atonement. In fact, Islam teaches that Jesus ascended to Heaven without dying at all. So, Islam denies that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. No death of the Lamb to pay for the sins of mankind, and no resurrection to justify and give new life to any man --- that's Islam. I trust, praying, that the comprehensive claims of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will be made most prominent on the airwaves in the Middle East.
C'mon, man! This is FR! You're supposed to fill your post with cracks about camel jockeys and references to Muhammed diddling little kids! And the word 'cult' has to appear at least twice in every paragraph!
Get with the program! < /sarcasm>