BUT, he wasn't in ANOTHER country; he was in his own country, which was not represented during the assembly (no American flag displayed, I believe.) Why were all of the students included in this assembly required to learn about Mexican history? If my family moved to another country, would I expect the educational system of that country to educate my kids on the country they left? Would I expect the citizens of that country to learn to speak English so I could function in thier society? No, and no. So, why is it that every memo I receive from my kids' schools is written in English on one side, and in Spanish on the other?
(Stepping off soapbox and donning flame-retardant jammies.)
I would guess that the reason that you recieve memos in English and Spanish is because you have a sufficient number of Spanish speakers in your area to warrant it. Like it or, The USA is not at this time, English only.