I for the life of me cannot understand why the Republicans are so bad at fighting back against the democrats and their media accomplices. Reagan had them cowed. Every time they pulled this crap, he went on TV, explained things, and had the press and Dems run away with their tails between their legs. Granted, Bush is no Reagan, but couldn't there be some way to magnificently get the points across??? They don't even seem to try.
Bush's handlers seem afraid that his speaking style doesn't go over well with the people...they have it wrong. Only the effete snobs and pseudo-intellectuals insist that he is "speech-impaired"...
Personally, I enjoy his stammers and mixed up words, because when he is on his rant, he seems like a man of the people...and I don't think he is less intelligent, I think he is just NOT a natural born snakeoil salesman....
"It's character, stupid"....(the unspoken rallying cry of 2000)