This group of repubs are spending money like drunk sailors on shore leave. This group of repubs haven't the balls to challenge the dims on judicial confirmations. This group of repubs are not taking the battle to the dims, they are for the most part hiding nd trying to protect their future elections. This group of repubs refuse to take charge of protecting pur borders.
Time to look for a real conservative party.
Time to look for a real conservative party.
I was thinking the same thing however, we must not break ranks at this crucial point in time. The Libs. would love to see the Pubes split. Hopefully, the Libs. will be the ones to split. ( kooks Vs Mods)
Personally, I am tired of comparing Republican congressmen to drunken sailors. First, it is an insult to drunken sailors. Second, most drunken sailors only spend what money they have in their pockets. If Congress could accomplish this the country would be in much better financial shape.