Please substantiate your assertion. I find it to be a demostrably false statement.
I recognize that it is the *mind* that is the most importnat to develop. You want to fund the development of thugs. Well, that's ok... we'll need *somebody* to clean the toilets.
Your view is so terribly limited that I doubt that you are even very good as an engineer!
FWIW, I am a member of an engineering specialty group in my profession. Yes, I could have 'Engineer' as part of my job title but choose not to do so. I work with engineers and see many types and varieties on a regular basis and they are NOT thugs.
To equate athlete with 'thug' or janitor shows extreme ignorance on your part.
Engineering is applied science. Take your own hypothesis and test it. You'll find that your hypothesis cannot be proven.
Maybe it is time to pull your slide rule from out of your xxxxx and take up swimming, golf, tennis or some other sporting/atheltic activity. Learn to enjoy life instead of being so bitter.
>> Perhaps not, but they contribute far more to society.
>Please substantiate your assertion. I find it to be a demostrably false statement.
Sports contributes nothign except entertainment. intellectual achievement gives us a functioning economy. Why are the Indian and Chinese economies surging forward? Is it due to their world-renowed powerlifters? Their cricket teams? Or the engineers and scientists?
> Your view is so terribly limited that I doubt that you are even very good as an engineer!
Imagine my concern for your view of me.
> To equate athlete with 'thug' or janitor shows extreme ignorance on your part.
Ah. So real-world experience equates to "ignorance." Well, what an interesting world you must live in.
> Learn to enjoy life instead of being so bitter.
Very Liberal of you "You don't agree with government support of my hobby, so therefore you're bitter."