Can you give me the Cliff Notes on what the Dems have done today?
The House Reps. are trying to call the Dems. out to support Murtha's statements from yesterday.
Sure, the Dems have tried to avoid making a simple vote yes or no about wether or not the sense of the house is to pull the troops out of Iraq now.
The dems are claiming more time for debate. They are trying to claim nore discussion. They are claiming 'stunt'.
They are trying to stop from having to make their positions known prior to the Holiday coming.
The Dems were shouting down when they didn't agree(Especially Hunter) when they were recognized. To be honest the Dems have made fools of themselves today. They have shown their true colors that when it comes to time to pick a simple side on a few sentence resolution...they REFUSE.
Some started in on the lie stuff the mis lead stuff BLAH BLAH BLAH....basically they tried same old same old and they are REALLY on the spot right now.