If you'd like to connect yourself intellectually to a buffoon like William Jennings Bryan, be my guest. I'm interested ... do you also support the prohibition of alcohol and the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1?
Why do you think that Bryan was a buffoon? I urge you to take your copy of inherett the wind and throw it in the trash. It is bad history. Of course he was an intellectual lightweight, but he didn't invent the monetary theory you mention and her certainly didn't start the temperance movement. The latter goes back to the early 19th century and the huge problem the country had with drunkedness. Abraham Lincoln belonged to the movement and was a teetotler.
As for the connection of eugenics with Darwin, the fact is that Hitler's racist statements in Mein Kampf were basically sophomoric paraphrases of Haeckel's textbooks.