"Any Episcopalians out there know which Saints the Episcopal church recognizes as such? And do they still cannonize new ones?"
Check out this site of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church: http://www.saintgregorys.org/,
Among other things you can view icons of St. Malcom X (EL-HAJJ MALIK EL-SHABAZZ), St. Sojourner Truth, St. Black Elk, St. Cesar Chavez, St. John Coltrane, St. Charles Darwin, St. Ella Fitzgerald, St. Mohandas Gandhi, St. Thurgood Marshall, St. John Muir, St. Eleanor Roosevelt, and St. Rumi the Sufi.
Thank you both. I always wondered how protestant churches select which Saints they honor. I will read up when I get time. :o)