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The Flawed Philosophy of Intelligent Design
Tech Central Station ^
| 11/17/2005
| James Harrington
Posted on 11/17/2005 11:27:22 AM PST by Nicholas Conradin
click here to read article
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To: WildHorseCrash
I hope your posts dont get deleted.
posted on
01/24/2006 2:36:28 PM PST
To: brooklyn dave
"I read the whole article as best as I could understand it. It seems to be that ID is more fitting in philosophy than in science."
His argument is quite simple.
Metaphysical naturalism and Global Non Naturalism are both views that guide scientific thinking.
Naturalism views the natural world simply. What you see is what you get.
Non Naturalism claims that the way the world works is not simple when you look closely.
These two views in conflict with one another.
ID smushes these two positions together saying the world is both simple and complex. In doing so they are maintaining two fundamentally inconsistent metaphysical positions under one roof and make the problem go away by positing an unknown and unknowable designer.
ID is not philosophy any more than it is science.
The core of ID is the belief in Bi Substance Dualism.
ID is a belief not an argument because IDers don't construct arguments concerning the Pros and Cons of Evolution, they are Con all the way (pardon the pun.
Since Descartes the only philosophers who argue for Bi Substance Dualism are theologians.
So ID is a theological position not a scientific one. QED
To: AndrewC
Clean up your language. You are showing your intellectual poverty. Good luck; he's from New Jersey!
posted on
01/25/2006 5:37:11 AM PST
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
To: wallcrawlr
I hope your posts dont get deleted. Well, they haven't been deleted in the months since I posted them.
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