Again your ability to not see the forest through the trees is noteworthy. The President often proposes as well as spearheads legislation and is an integral force in it's direction. Industrial output is based on both 1) capability (capacity) and 2) % utilization. POTUS can have a nominal effect on the former but significant on the latter.
Following a recession, capacity is not usually a problem. Just the opposite--too much capacity. POTUS can not have an effect on anything in the Index of Coincident Indicators like industrial production. POTUS has some input into the future leading indicators and, assuming has been in office for a few years, has some influence on lagging indicators, but the POTUS has next to nothing to do with a coincident indicator such as industrial production.
Once again, the issue is moot, as the business cycle carries the greatest weigting factor and dwarfs any possible input of POTUS.