I think that you're the one who is wrong, here. Bush's tax cuts are what spurred the economy in the first place. We wouldn't even be near this level of production, had it not been for the Bush tax cuts. The tax cuts are also responsible for the growth in home ownership and thus the real estate boom.
And do not get me wrong, the tax cuts are beneficial but more so we are coming out of the investment malaise caused by the dot.com meltdown when billions of investment dollars were in many cases flushed down the toilet in the hope of striking it big in the "new" business, Internet sales.
Really much of the "prosperity" we experienced in the 90's was based on large amounts of investment capital tossed at businesses that were ultimately doomed to fail.
Investment capital was there to spend on a new toy" the Internet" because of the Reagan area tax policies.
While there is short term benefit to the current tax cuts, we may not realize the full potential for many years to come. That is why they need to be made permanent.
Eva, I apppreciate your enthusiasm, but I responded from an economics point of fact. You are responding like this is some RAT vs Republican issue and you are in the cheering section for the Republicans.
From a scientific, educational and real world angle, the business cycle and global economy have the sway over the USA's current economic coincidental indicators, not anything President Bush has done directly.
That is Economics 101 fact.