I'll agree, reading your laptop is not quite comfortable, but it's only a matter of time before there is a reader-friendly way to peruse news, books, and any other form of printed information. It might be as simple as a sheet that constantly can be updated with streaming information. The "newspapers" of the "Minority Report" movie are not nearly as far fetched as the cars that drove up the sides of buildings in that film.
Yes, drivel is drivel, no matter how delivered. In any case, the centuries old model of the newspaper is all but dead and buried. My great-grandchildren may never see one outside of a museum, or an old trunk in the attic. If liberal claptrap accelerates this process, all the better.
>> the centuries old model of the newspaper is all but dead and buried. My great-grandchildren may never see one outside of a museum
If you have a record player ask your kids to change the needle... If you can find anyone who still sells the needles.
My cousins kids in high school never saw music on vinyl and think it is the dumbest thing in the world.
Same will be the case with print media in a few years.