To: snarks_when_bored
The only thing we know is that we don't know - and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith .
Seeing into intricacies of creation appropriately brings about natural feelings of wonder and astonishment.
It also frequently brings about profound arrogance through erroneously assuming that the act of seeing is akin to the act of creation, thereby making the viewer the creator and maker of the universe.
" man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11.
"The Lord knows the thoughts of men, that they are but a puff of wind." Psalm 94:11.
66 posted on
11/16/2005 7:34:00 AM PST by
("He who must know before he believes will never come to full knowledge.")
To: mtntop3
"and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith ." actually that contradicts the definition of faith IMO faith is a belief without knowledge:
faith (fth) KEY
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief, trust.
68 posted on
11/16/2005 7:36:13 AM PST by
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
To: mtntop3
The only thing we know is that we don't know - and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith . Now there is a sentence just begging for an "IMHO".
To: mtntop3
... and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith . Or complete delusion.
84 posted on
11/16/2005 7:55:24 AM PST by
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