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Ultra-sensitive microscope reveals DNA processes
New Scientist ^
| November 15, 2005
| Gaia [sic] Vince
Posted on 11/16/2005 3:40:35 AM PST by snarks_when_bored
click here to read article
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To: Kelly_2000
I'm afraid that too little sleep, too little caffeine and too much hope that IDists will be forced to admit the truth makes for a bad start to the morning.
I don't even have a spreadsheet as an excuse. I simply spent too much time tossing and turning while trying to untwist ID logic.
posted on
11/16/2005 7:53:41 AM PST
(Ad space for rent.)
To: mtntop3
The only thing we know is that we don't know - and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith . Now there is a sentence just begging for an "IMHO".
To: snarks_when_bored
What most people have missed so far is that this device shows what is actually happening and that it follows all the indirect evidence of the last 50 years. It is confirmation of models derived from much serious biochemical and molecular biological study.
Making it more than that at this point is unjustified, but the experiment is nonetheless quite a step forward. I love it.
posted on
11/16/2005 7:55:16 AM PST
(One of the last Evil Geniuses, or the first of their return.)
To: mtntop3
... and that complete knowledge comes only through Faith . Or complete delusion.
posted on
11/16/2005 7:55:24 AM PST
(Liberalism is a cancer on society. Creationism is a cancer on conservatism.)
To: Fester Chugabrew
Uncle Fester! We haven't seen you around much lately, (which ever one you are). Welcome back!
Must have been one big hangover.
posted on
11/16/2005 7:58:32 AM PST
(One of the last Evil Geniuses, or the first of their return.)
To: snarks_when_bored
Now why does the RNA do this? Nobody (in their right mind) would suggest that it has a will and is acting intentionally, or that some unseen deity's hand is continually pushing it along, so it must be acting as its chemical structure compels it to act. It's the unseen RNA pushing deity that makes it occur. Let's see...that would be URNAPD.
URNAPD is the alternative theory to ID. I think the Kansas school board should require URNAPD be taught.
Why are ID'ers so afraid to debate URNAPD??? They're so dogmatic and elitist. /sarcasm
To: WildHorseCrash
No, but the words creator, designer DO come to mind due to the limitless details we observe in creation. It stretches credulity to think it could have come about by time and chance. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics scientifically supports that observation. There is no need to use derogatory words such as "sky-god" to express opposition to a belief in a Creator who designed the universe and all that exists.
From the book of John "All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it."
To: furball4paws
"What most people have missed so far is that this device shows what is actually happening and that it follows all the indirect evidence of the last 50 years." I made this point earlier no one listened then either
posted on
11/16/2005 8:06:38 AM PST
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
To: b_sharp
LOL poor you don't let them get to you like that :-)
posted on
11/16/2005 8:07:24 AM PST
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
To: Kelly_2000; snarks_when_bored
I think that snarks_when_bored's 'why' was the intelligent intent 'why' not the 'what makes these work the way they do' why.
posted on
11/16/2005 8:09:18 AM PST
(Ad space for rent.)
To: <1/1,000,000th%
It's the FSM using his angel hair appendages...
posted on
11/16/2005 8:14:05 AM PST
(From now on, I'll stick to science, and leave the hunting alien mutants to the experts!)
To: Junior
To: Kelly_2000
Good suggestion.
I think tonight I'll do something with probability, that always puts me to sleep.
posted on
11/16/2005 8:21:55 AM PST
(Ad space for rent.)
To: GOPPachyderm
No, but the words creator, designer DO come to mind due to the limitless details we observe in creation. Not to everyone's mind. Mechanistic theories also predict chaotic complexity.
It stretches credulity to think it could have come about by time and chance.
This looks like an argument from incredulity.
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics scientifically supports that observation.
Argument from incredulity is not an observation. Creationists seem to have their own version of the second law and use it in ways that would disallow the formation of tornados or snowflakes.
posted on
11/16/2005 8:22:07 AM PST
(Liberalism is a cancer on society. Creationism is a cancer on conservatism.)
To: b_sharp
LOL Schroedinger's cat counting?:-)
posted on
11/16/2005 8:23:07 AM PST
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
To: GOPPachyderm
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics scientifically supports that observation.I like to ask this of everyone who posts this.
Show us your work. I'd like to see the calculations that demonstrate your conclusion.
To: GOPPachyderm
"No, but the words creator, designer DO come to mind due to the limitless details we observe in creation. It stretches credulity to think it could have come about by time and chance. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics scientifically supports that observation.[Emphasis mine]
How so?
posted on
11/16/2005 8:24:53 AM PST
(Ad space for rent.)
To: Kelly_2000
Been there, done that. It always confuses the heck out of me so I just don't look. (I'm afraid that the wave collapsing on me will leave me functionless).
posted on
11/16/2005 8:31:14 AM PST
(Ad space for rent.)
To: GOPPachyderm
"The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics scientifically supports that observation" come again? Please elaborate? Is this a close system / open system faux-pas usually made by non-scientists?
posted on
11/16/2005 8:31:39 AM PST
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
To: b_sharp
"(I'm afraid that the wave collapsing on me will leave me functionless)." The last time I suffered a collapsing wave was in Carlsbad beach on my husband's surf board ;-)
posted on
11/16/2005 8:33:25 AM PST
( (Because they stand on a wall and say nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch))
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