To: Mind-numbed Robot
Have you ever hunted? Judging by your post I would think not. You really have no clue as to what has to happen for a hunt to be succesfull. Especially here in the West.
Out here you have to spend time and sweat, countless hours glassing, and tracking. Then once you actually come across that big Bull Elk, you need to make the perfect stalk to get within range for a humane kill. If your shot was perfect he may drop in his tracks, but 9 out of 10 times something was a little off and now you have to follow a blood trail, usually in low light conditions. And then once you have located your kill the fun really begins. Now you have to gut and quarter your elk so you can pack his big a$$ out over the same rough rough terrain you came in on.
Yeah it's nothing more than shooting some poor animal with a high powered rifle and scope. Oh did I mention your freezing your butt off the whole time too?
And with all this I can't wait untill next year, I will be hoping and praying I get drawn for that Elk tag!!
29 posted on
11/15/2005 1:35:20 PM PST by
(All men are created equal, then some become Marines!)
To: sean327
Thanks for squaring that up.
52 posted on
11/15/2005 3:49:11 PM PST by
(It's Jihad stupid! Or why should I tolerate those who hate me?)
To: sean327
Yes, I used to hunt and yes, I know how difficult it is to track and kill game, even rabbits and squirrels. Hauling out a deer is not that difficult but the bigger game are definitely a challenge.
Still, considering what the prey is doing, usually grazing, and considering that you are far away with a scope and high powered rifle, it is an ambush pure and simple. No different than terrorists or other guerrilla warfare participants except that the animals mean us no harm.
I am a meat eater. I have no problem with growing animals for food. I have no problem with growing animals for their fur or using them in scientific research. I have no problem with harvesting animals when there is over population. I have no problem with you killing an elk or anything else that is legal to kill. I just don't see it as sport.
Now, I define sport as a competition. The more nearly equal the competitors the better the competition. Hunting is greatly weighted against the game and in favor of the hunter, therefore it is not a sport. It may be entertainment but it is not a sport.
54 posted on
11/15/2005 3:57:02 PM PST by
Mind-numbed Robot
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