looks like you've gotten him to take his square ball and head home - he's not playing anymore!
Don't feel bad, you did this thread a service!
You can keep prating all you want about "respect for the law" but I don't buy it. Never have. At the root, there is a fear that Pablo is going to take your job because he will work for less. All the rest for most of the people here is prevarication, and you can scream and call names all you want and it won't change a thing. I am NOT for "Pablo taking your job," but believe in a growing market driven by free men and free labor to offer which benefits all people, including the buggy whip makers and chimney sweeps. I am 50 years old and have changed CAREERS (not jobs, careers) 4 times. You can't tell me anything about being afraid or facing uncertainty. I want the same opportunity for Pablo and Hector as there is for me, and not have the door slammed in their faces because some old "white"(quoting some earlier idiot about their son) guy is terrified and thus sinks down in his bitter little state protected cocoon. The idea that allowing immigrants in will depress wages is utter bullshit, unless you have had artificially high wages to begin with that were the product of rigged markets.