"Los Alamos anyone"
The media will ignore it.
Plus, he's a huge "let's play nice with N Korea" type. He was one of the major proponents of the light water reactor/fuel oil deal. With NK threatening to let fly with nukes his opponents for the nomination are going to rip him apart. He won't even make it through the beginning of primary season.
Hehehehe- Curt Weldon will be all over him like a fly on sh**.
It's one of those things that is to complicated for the average voter, and people will say that since he has been elected Governor since that time negates it as an issue.
I see it the same way with McCains Keating Five scandal. There is no way (unless something new and explosive comes out about it) it makes a difference. I have said since 2000, that Richardson was the one to watch out for. Not only is he personable, he is moderate, and Hispanic. If he can get past the liberals in the primaries (big IF), I think he has an excellent chance at the Presidency. He has none of the baggage, of a Hillery Clinton, or John Kerry.