"Common descent is a fact. Teachers are also required to tell little children that in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed, and that matter is made of molecules, and that PI is about 3.14, not 3. They are required to teach facts. Why should they lie to little children and tell them that evolution is not supported by the evidence?"
The only evidence you have is that man and woman are the vehicle by which the child descends. Of course the modern man seeks to replace that "natural" method with his p dishes and turkey basters.
Yes just like that FACT that those RIGHTS endowed by the CREATOR, you nor any other evolutionists have power to TAKE!!!
"Actually, it is your religious ideology that makes you close your eyes to the physical creation. You have been provided the evidence yet you refuse to see. There is no reason we must push your ideologically induced blindness on our children."
Assumption NOT in evidence, this flesh body is what it is and I have no issue in biology classes teaching a child what is required for the flesh to live, and what the flesh is made up of, even those mutating cells that are identified. What I reject is telling a child that he or she is nothing more than a reproduction in a timeless evolution of mutating cells, just another animal among the species.
Macro-evolution is not fact, nor is it science. It is, at best, history.
Biologists are brain-washed to worship evolution as the unifying principle of biology. In a graduate level class on evolution, my final exam consisted of one essay question - "Why is evolution fundamental to biology?"
My answer was that it wasn't. The professor, a good guy, gave me an A for my final - said he was certain I was wrong, but that I was the only one in the class who had actually thought about the question.
Evolution is taught as fact because the alternative is to admit we don't know. The latter is more intellectually honest, but it doesn't allow a lot of pontification.