There is an infinite supply of thugs and terrorists. If we continue present day tactics, we will continue to lose our soldiers fighting a foot war against common thugs and international mercenaries/zealots.
If you do not know what "WHAT" is, it is hard to discuss this with you. We have the ability to bring extreme pain on the nations that harbor terrorists by waging financial warfare against them. Cut off the billions we send them, and these nations will start going after terrorists in their countries. We can also rain destruction upon proper targets through air power.
Attempting to bring "democracy " to ass backward, zealot rampant nations is fruitless. We should be waging war against nations that harbor terrorists with tactics I mentioned, but forget about trying to "win a war on the ground". We would attack them with these tactics until they see cry uncle and start waging their own war to root out their own terrorists.
Our nation was founded on the desire for freedom. If the Iraqi people had the desire for freedom, we would be seeing film footage today of the Iraqi Army in action rooting out terrorists. Instead, we are fighting their war. This is nuts.