Hey, if it works, bully for Moran! 8) After all, the truth of this is, we BOTH want actionable first hand intelligence from captured terrorists, and want it fast enough that it does good. If that method worked, then great, because if it gets the intelligence, THAT is what matters. But if it doesn't work, the door should be left open for less warm and fuzzy means like I suggested earlier. All that matters is the final result which is getting intel, getting it fast, and stopping terrorist attacks BEFORE they happen, and arresting terrorists in bed or while they're peeing on a palm tree, NOT when they're shooting us or have already planted a bomb somewhere. 8)
But only up to a point. Some have suggested threatening the suspect's family with torture.
This might work better than your method or Moran's, but we still shouldn't use it.
Why not? Perhaps because it would degrade us, or because it would create bad press, impeding the winning of hearts and minds