Heard Understood Acknowledged
Great! Now I know!!
And I just thought they stuck in an R :)
"It's HUA actually...everything in the military is an acronym"
Actually it isn't, in the Marines it is "HooRah" there is a tale that it is based on the fact that one of 2 servivors of Iwo, was "ira Hayes" and so the story goes that "oohrah" is a manipulation of the call "Go Ira"
I think that is crap, I think that the "hoorah" of the Marines, is based on a BARK! that was offered to the WWI counterparts who called them "Devil Dogs," the Germans called them that "Teufelhunden" So I think in response the Marines chose to Bark at their enemies letting them know who they faced.
And as far as the "Huahh" of the army? I think it is mixed with the addoration of the enemies of the Marines, AND of the mixed nature of the US army durin WWI, ie, a Chinaman with imperfect language would say "what is wuwa?"
Generaly, ALL colloqualisms are built on the dominance of a lesser populace. For instance you idiots use "izzle" as a definition of "hip hop culture" but you are wrong, and the Army is MUCH bigger than the Marines, and the Marines have "oohrah."
In essence? there is no right way to say it. All I did, and I was a HELL OF A MARINE! all I did was BARK! "WHRAH!" and "oohrah" is a convenient manipulation of response.
Hey, man, HUA (or variations thereof) is Army. Marinespeak is "Oohrah" (or spelling variations thereof).