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To: nopardons

Then I am sure you will have no quams when Jesus judges you??

Her husband was wrong, but women of that age did what ever the husband said, he refused to wear a condom, he said most devices he could feel, so that was a no-go and since the Catholic Church banned the use of BC pills, he did not allow her to use them. She had 6 children after all her abortions an died leaving a 6 month old up to a 11 yr old.

639 posted on 11/11/2005 3:49:28 PM PST by laney (little bit country,little bit Rock and Roll!)
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To: laney
Birth control pills had been around for enough years, in 1967, that she could have not had at least three of those children. And there was no possible way that he could have found out that she was taking them.

The Catholic church sanctioned the Rhythm Method and they should have used that.

If, as you claim, that her husband was a strict adherent to the Catholic proscription against barrier methods of birth control and the pill, their eldest child, when she died, was 11, then they had been married for, at the most, 12 years. It takes 40 weeks, or so, for each pregnancy. Your aunt had six live births in 12 years. Ergo, it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have had twenty-seven abortions during that period of time. JUST DO THE MATH!

If I were you, pet, I'd worry a whole LOT more about Jesus judging you, than what will ever happen to me. Bearing false witness is against the Ten Commandments; missyme. ;^)

688 posted on 11/11/2005 5:44:52 PM PST by nopardons
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