"You're Going to Hell" (nice...at a funeral...)
"America is Evil"
"Don't Worship the Dead"
"Thank God for I.E.D.'s"
That and two other signs I can't decipher in my pictures.
God did perform some sort of miracle today as well - two of them....first, as far as I know, no violence.
Second, about two miles away was the Weld County Veteran's Day Memorial (I was there for a time as well - nice turnout) - two CO ANG F-16's did a flyby, and, also happened to fly over the Mormon Church as well - perhaps just coincidence, but, a nice added touch.
PFC Tyler Ryan Mackenzie passed by his church for the last time under a block long hall of American flags. There were veterans from World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Iraq. Prior there were a few infiltrators who were completely stiffled and humiliated. Basically they were something you would scrape off your shoes after walking through a kennel.
Law enforcement went out of their way to let the bikers and anti protestors present know they were welcome. When Fred Phelps protestors permit ran out at approx. five minutes before the funeral was to start they were sent packing fast fast fast. Evidently the bikers and veterans had a longer permit. God Bless America and God Bless PFC Tyler Ryan Mackenzie.
One of my friends showed up with 125 American flags from the group Healing Fields. When she handed them out, some of the Marine Moms were close to tears.
The bikers I heard were excellent, reving their engines every time the piece of sh** protestors started chanting. I heard that one of the protestors had a sign that said "A good soldier is a dead soldier".
Their protest was an absolute failure and the response from Greeley was fantastic. Thanks to all who could make it. Hopefully I will have a couple of photos to post later.
All the Best,