"Why would they just not take you to a page called "Christmas" or to the items that fit your specific search request?"
Because there are other 'holiday' items on there, einstein, like the "Personalized Star of David Glass Platter" for $28.76
Get a grip. They created a holiday page. Searching for "christmas" brings you to that page. THE VERY NEXT LINE after "We've brought you to our "Holiday " page based on your search." offers you an option to to search for all the items.
So that 1/4" space between those two lines offends you somehow???
Oh, btw, if you search for the term "music", it BRINGS YOU TO A SPECIAL MUSIC PAGE!!!
Gee, why would they do that? Maybe because they have so many items that match the term 'music', it's smarter to make a splash page just for it! And what do we see on that page???
"We've brought you to our "Music" page based on your search.
Not what you're looking for? View a list of items that match your search for "music"."
Gee, the SAME EXACT THING it says for the "holiday" page! THEY MUST HATE MUSIC, TOO!!!
Dangit, they did the same thing for MOVIES!!!
Now do you see how ridiculous trying to hang your hat on this was? You didn't even bother to test it out with other popular search terms. But I did - and it shows all they did is create a special splash page like they've probably done for dozens of terms - and they're pretty much using the same template out of a database.
Almost your entire sad little argument - *poof* - gone in a cloud of smoke because all they're doing is using the same search word keyed splash page like they do for other POPULAR search terms.
So I guess the real scandal here is that they don't do the same for "chanukah" or "kwanzaa". Maybe you can call the ADL and the NAACP and widen the boycott - walmart must not consider them real "holidays"!!!!
---I bow to your marketing and debating skills. They are obviously too great for a mere fool as myself.---
Well, you've shown yourself to be clueless in marketing, and less than honest in debating.
"The fact remains: Christmas is considered second class search at Walmart "
It's only a "fact" to you and other people who choose to be offended. The fact is that it is the ONLY holiday keyed to take you to the special holiday page. That would tell most people that they're making a special effort just for christmas, and they've forgotten the two other 'holidays' on their web site.
You admit that Christmas is not a primary search? Thanks!
A specific response - I think you're missing the point regarding the search engine.
All they are noting is the absurdity of equating Christmas with Kuanza given the fact that nobody celebrates Kwanza (and Wal Mart sells very few products related to it) while Christmas is a MAJOR holiday both in celebration and sales.
When Marketing undermines the fabric of the country, well..
Maybe its *you* who needs to get a CLUE, Genius.