Actually it depends on whether you consider National Socialism a right or left wing phenomenon. The NPD is generally considered a successor to the NAZI party. The attempt to have them declared illegal in Germany, as a successor, failed due to the infiltration of government agents in their ranks, not their ideology.
BTW, along with hating Muslims and Jews, they hate Americans too.
They may have authoritarian tendencies, and if so I could never support their party since I love freedom. They may also have a bad case of halitosis and body odor, but as I said in my post no. 190:
"I can say one thing, though, the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) has this issue nailed like no other.
Round up and deport. It's the only way for any Western country to survive."
Only very ignorant people hate entire groups of other people. You may not agree with NPD but to make such a blanket statement reveals more about you than them.