To: dsmtoday
73 even being close is inexcusable. It failing is truly remarkable.
570 posted on
11/08/2005 10:21:59 PM PST by
(Listen to my demos for Savage Nation contest:
To: HitmanNY
We all got your point the first 15 times you made it.
577 posted on
11/08/2005 10:23:00 PM PST by
To: HitmanNY
The odd thing is polls showed 73 passing so that it's behind 75 is just bizarre.
Clearly: Conservatives didn't get out and vote.
587 posted on
11/08/2005 10:24:15 PM PST by
(CA YES: 73 (prolife) - 74 (teacher accountability) - 75 (paycheck protection). NO: 78, 79, 80) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson