Obviously we are all responsible at the end of the day for our lives... however, when one is raised in situations that undermine fundamentals such as that of the CORE FAMILY, one cannot argue that this will not impact significantly those involved, and study after study shows it.
The break down of the nuclear family, by divorce or OOW, has huge reprocussions that can't simply be ignored. How does one who has never had a father, relate to God? When God is THE FATHER?.. think about that. How can one relate to this, when not only they do not have a father, but no one they know has a father that is with them, looking out for them, with every breath 24/7? The nuclear family is the crux upon which ALL society is based... when its breakdown is not only tolerated cavalierly, but encouraged socially, societal decay inately follows.
Parents are responsible for being parents, and that means putting your children first. Yes, even great parents can have problem kids, and problem parents can have great kids. However we know, and thousands of years of human history backs it up, the best, unequivacable situation for children is a 2 parent home with their biological parents.
With the exceptions of abuse and neglect, divorce when you have children is selfish.
Kids today are *SPOILED* cadddled, made not to think for themselves, the problem is parents ARE NOT allowed to discipline there own children, Kids do not respect Adult Authority, it is a different world today my friend.
I got my share of well deserved beatings,dis-respect was not tolerated, I got my first job at 15 and from then on bought my own clothes etc, my brothers worked and were made to be MEN, not Grown Thumb Sucking babies blaming our parents for there mistakes.
We were taught to GROW UP! divore had nothing to do with it.