Oh, yeah? What about your Uncle? That (in some people's minds) is the real meausure of a man.
< /proxy argumentum ad Uncle mode>
And then after he got is 19 PhD's, he worked for 9 US Presidents and 4 Prime Ministers while inventing the printing press, the atomic bomb, the Apollo project, the laser, the transistor, the communications satellite, the ballpoint pen, milk chocolate, internet spam, and latex condoms. He retired at the age of 17½ with 482 bazillion dollars in the bank, 91 ex-wives and 273,114 children. He still dabbles in financing the US Treasury out of his petty cash and likes to encourage internet flame wars in his spare time.
Oh, and he laughs at Intelligent Design masquerading as science since he invented it as a party joke.
/ flaming-idiot uncle mode
Barbarian! Must I always clean up your grammar? It's argumentum de avunculo.
He can still whup me, of course! But when he turns 75, I think I'll be ready to take him. ;)
I am an uncle. Fear me!