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To: Eurotwit

THE LITTLE NATION THAT COULD Take a country called Denmark. Shape it into the shape of Virginia. Toss your reshaped Denmark over the US state of Virginia. You get a pretty close fit: Virginia is a bit bigger.

Virginia is also small enough to take 35th ranking in the US state size stakes.

You get the point: for a country, Denmark is tiny.

But yesterday, Denmark showed it had the heart of a lion.

A Danish newspaper ran caricatures of the Muslim Prophet. 10 Arab ambassadors asked for a meeting with the Danish foreign minister to protest.

The foreign minister said he would not meet with them. He had no power over the press, but in any event, even meet the Arab ambassadors would negate the very idea of Denmark.

For the record, we condemn the caricaturing. Muslims are particularly sensitive to any human-made depiction of the Prophet. It is not political correctness that everyone respect everyone else's religion. What we object to is when people get offended when Christianity is the religion in question, but that's not relevant here.

May we request that Muslims everywhere show the same respect to other peoples' religions, including Indian religions, as they expect for Islam? Then maybe we can all just get along.

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT In the middle of a story about the deprivations of the Muslim immigrants to French cities that was so sad we ran out of toilet paper wiping our eyes and nose, and will have to use the Washington Post to wipe our behind, the BBC says: "Although some complain that their voices are never heard, as we tried to speak to local residents, we were told at one point to leave the area or risk being attacked."

How did that piece of reality escape the copy editor? Imagine the cheek of the reporter. He should be fired for telling the truth.

From, a little acerbic chutney!

8 posted on 11/07/2005 12:37:28 PM PST by swarthyguy
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To: swarthyguy

yet the BBC consistently is sympathetic..when will they realize that everyone, regardless of sympathies, must die or's that easy..

11 posted on 11/07/2005 12:40:54 PM PST by GeorgiaDawg32 (Islam is a religion of peace and they'll behead you to prove it...)
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To: swarthyguy
The foreign minister said he would not meet with them. He had no power over the press, but in any event, even meet the Arab ambassadors would negate the very idea of Denmark.

A ray of hope!

22 posted on 11/07/2005 12:51:52 PM PST by Rummyfan
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To: swarthyguy
It seems little Denmark has always known how to stand up to bullies. It was the only Nazi-occupied nation in Europe where everyone worked together and saved nearly all the Jews from the gas chambers.
28 posted on 11/07/2005 12:56:42 PM PST by Heatseeker ("I sort of like liberals now. They’re kind of cute when they’re shivering and afraid." - Ann Coulter)
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To: swarthyguy

Denmark is less than half as large as 16,368 sq mi it's less than the combined area of Vermont and New Hampshire.

69 posted on 11/07/2005 3:19:03 PM PST by Verginius Rufus
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