It's been nothing but a corrupt liberal game. They only did this because Bush beat algore in 2000, and they only continued it because Bush beat f'ing kerry in 04. The evidence of the 1.8 tons of enriched weaponized yellow cake uranium, NOT documented by the inspectors ever, coming out of Iraq last year, and now General Valalley, stating plainly that wilson told him several times that hiw wife, who everyone knew was valerie plame, who appeard with him at FOX several times, was an employee of "the Agency" will BURY wilson and prove anyone claming he has credibility is a fool. I mean, who that has even just a casual political or military interest DOESN'T know that "the Agency" means the CIA!!! I've known that since I read The Hunt For Red October when I was a sophomore in HS 17 years ago!!! 8) This is GREAT!!!
Good thing they stayed out of Iraq or there would have been trouble in France...