I have suspected for quite some time that "discovery" data must be used in Saddam Hussein's trial. Until that time, that this data is brought up, I'm not quite certain it is prudent to go "hog-heavy" with the WMD-related materials found in Iraq and for the express purpose of "slamming it to the Democrats"...
There's enough evidence to put Saddam in front of a firing squad at least 50 times over. If yellow cake, and enriched uranium exists in Iraq the Bush administration needs to get this out front and center. They owe it themselves of course, but more importantly to Americans, particularly those in Iraq and their families, who have been barraged by the liberal MSM with the 'Bush lied ... thousands died' BS. It would go a long way in neutralizing the seditious, demoralizing crap the MSM puts out day after day.
With respect, whatever disposition is made of Saddam Hussein, it is trivial compared to the disastrous consequences of allowing the hardcore Left to regain control of the power of the American government in the face of the apocalyptic threats to civilization we are facing.