And it proves once more that Bush and people like him are right, and kerry and people like him and the libs and french, are wrong. You don't placate radicals, you deal with them with a strong hand, and when they do things like this, you shoot to kill. THAT is how you stop it. This whole france thing is a MAJOR indictment of the liberal mind set and how they would handle the war on terror. Because it is happening to the very people who are the biggest opponants to our handling of the war on terror.
I mean, this will end any argument with a liberal and leave them with only insults and vulgarity to throw back. All you have to do when they complain about the war is "Really? So we should have done things like france said? They can't even control their own country and a 10% muslim population has thrown them into national chaos! But you think they could fight an international global war on terrroism effectively, when they can't even get their own muslims to behave in a civilized manor, after two kids run and electricute themselves when the police weren't even chasing them." WHAMO!!! Argument over. This is great for the Bush agenda and the conservative agenda and the war. The chief opponants to war in Iraq have just shownt he world they don't know JACK about what they say.
Your entire post is on the money. Thank you!
Bravo Allen, your reply #292 is a keeper, and a brilliant and concise analysis of the current liberal mindset.