I'm still waiting to know how you know with such certainty that all reporters knew about Wilson's Wife? ALL is a pretty broad number. Does that include the crime reporter for the lower income portion of DC? Those that attend state dinners like Greenspan's wife at NBC maybe but that would be because of special events like state dinners and embassy parties and perhaps covering the state department like Andrea Mitchell does. Those that cover politics like Cooper are unlikely to run in those circles. So what is your proof????
all the reporters involved in this, and some other DC media insiders apparently. David Corn wrote about it, Andrea Mitchell made comments about it, Judith Miller has had long established contacts in CIA regarding WMD, Coopers wife is a high ranking Clinton advisor. They all talk to each other, the idea that they were all just a bunch of ignorant doofuses who just walked into this story, all knowing nothing - is simply not believable - except to Fitzgerald apparently.