Well, in the CA university system, since it's okay for students to make porn and show it on the university TV station, I would assume it's okay to view it in the dorms.
"Well, in the CA university system, since it's okay for students to make porn and show it on the university TV station, I would assume it's okay to view it in the dorms."
I'm sure it is. Most college students are over the age of 18, have televisions and computers, and are capable of deciding for themselves what they view.
Since pornography, in general, is not illegal, then I can't see how the University could ban it. Given the penchant most young men have for viewing porn, I'd guess that at least half the TVs and computers in the lighted windows of any dorm after about 10PM have porn running.
I would assume that the RA would shut this off if someone came to his/her room with a problem. Any reasonable person would do so. If he/she did not, then there would be a problem there. Forcing another to watch porn when your job is to help them would probably lead to dismissal.
Believe me, RAs get dismissed all the time, and for a lot of reasons. It's a thankless job, and for little compensation.
I went to college some time ago (and not in the CAL system)and there was never any rule preventing students from watching porn, privately, in their dorm rooms. And rightfully so, assuming everyone involved was a consenting adult over the age of 18.
That being said, I'm troubled by a college passing a rule like the one in this article. If an RA's religious beliefs make him unable to do the job (such as if a Muslim RA is unwilling to talk to female residents), that's one thing. But I don't see a problem with RA's leading (voluntary) bible studies in the dorm.