To: NavVet
I would bet if an RA hosted a party at his dorm, and the guys watched a little porn, the University would not say a word...
101 posted on
11/02/2005 12:37:22 PM PST by
I'm ALL Right!
(WWW.ENDOFTHESPEAR.COM - A True Story. In theaters Jan 20, 2006. Click my profile.)
To: I'm ALL Right!
I would bet if an RA hosted a party at his dorm, and the guys watched a little porn, the University would not say a word...
This is where I totally disagree. Any girl in the dorm could write him up and he'd be out on his ass in a minute. R.A.s must be hypersensitive to anything bordering sexual harassment, and if the R.A. gets a reputation of watching porn with the guys, no girl's going to go to him with his problems. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson