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To: LucyT

Richard Clarke, for many years the chief of counterterrorism at the White House, has revealed that he was responsible for the flights. <<<

I have heard Clarke on the talk shows, admit that it was his decision that sent them out of the country.

Clarke was also a Clinton man and in full support of Kerry.

I would also thing the "Gorlick Wall" that she and Clinton put into place, hamstring the different policing departments of our Government, was put into play here.

You will only hear that "Bush" allowed them to leave.

2,804 posted on 11/24/2005 7:51:08 PM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Date : 2005-11-24
Terrorist Violence Rising Again
By Allabaksh - Syndicate Features

The threat from Pakistan is assuming dangerous proportions as it comes behind the cloak of ‘peace’ talks that many Indians now fear may lead to India lowering its guards. Recent utterances of the Pakistani leadership do not auger well for continuation of the ‘peace’ mood for long, particularly some of the comments made by Gen Pervez Musharraf and his puppet prime minister Shaukat Aziz, says the author The spurt in terrorist attacks in Kashmir and elsewhere in the country, including Delhi, must be a matter of worry for a government that is already under heavy fire from the Opposition on a host of issues. Among the unsavoury issues it has to face are the latest tragic twist to the Bihar’s perennially bad law and order situation and an unexpected blow from the US in the shape of Volcker report on the alleged misuse of Iraq’s oil for food programme that names Natwar Singh and the Congress party among the ‘non-contractual’ beneficiaries.

These political storms may pass over but the threat from Pakistan is assuming dangerous proportions as it comes behind the cloak of ‘peace’ talks that many Indians now fear may lead to India lowering its guards against Pakistan. Recent utterances of the Pakistani leadership do not auger well for continuation of the ‘peace’ mood for long, particularly some of the comments made by Gen Pervez Musharraf and his puppet prime minister.

A noticeable feature about the rise in terrorist activities is their timing—just when there has been a change of guard in Kashmir assembly with a Congress leader who may be viewed by Pakistan as ‘too pro-India’ replacing the PDP chief minister who had apparently advocated a ‘soft’ approach towards the militants, a further softening of the Line of Control in Kashmir with five points for movement of relief material and civilians and, last but not the least, the open pat received by the so-called ‘banned’ terrorist groups in Pakistan occupied Kashmir from the Pakistani president.

Gen Pervez Musharraf, in fact, now openly praises the militant organisations for their relief and rescue work in PoK even as most of the civilian population in Pakistan berates his Army for its tardy efforts. He has categorically ruled out any action against these groups, meaning they are free to resume their activities without any fear of an official crackdown.

That Musharraf was never serious about winding up his terror machine in Kashmir has been clear from the beginning. Musharraf played charade with India in the same manner that he does with the West, which has been far too indulgent (bank rolling all his military and other major expenses) towards him than is necessary under the circumstances.

Even with all his inherent guile Musharraf cannot help but give his game away in some of his interviews that he religiously grants to the fawning Western press. With his typical swagger he told the CNN that he had broken the back of the terrorist and radical groups in Pakistan. ‘Since the assassination attempt on me, we certainly are winning……I would say that…personally…I feel more secure,’ boasted the man with some glee.

Of course, he has every reason to feel ‘secure’. The groups, which were allegedly after his life, could be tamed or liquidated because most of them are offspring of his own ISI. But what Musharraf deliberately forgets is that he had assured the world, including India that he would wipe out the ‘entire’ network of terrorists operating from Pakistan or the Kashmiri territories under its control. That he has not done and henceforth the Indian government would do well to press the point more strongly with the Pakistani dictator.

It is not that India alone says that Musharraf has not fulfilled his promise. A report on the status of recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission in the US has clearly stated that Pakistan continues to be a sanctuary and training ground for terrorists. Asking Washington to put more pressure on Musharraf to stop the menace of terrorism flowing from his territories, the report noted with some ‘disappointment’ that the Pakistani president has not done enough and he has not lived up to his promise to regulate the madrassas or religious seminaries properly. These terrorists head not just for India but Afghanistan too and the report observed: ‘Taliban forces still pass freely across Pakistan-Afghanistan border and operate in Pakistani tribal areas.’

Where India is concerned investigations into the recent incidents of terrorist attacks have established that Pakistan has done nothing to close down the terrorist training camps. Wireless intercepts by intelligence agencies and statements made by arrested militants are said to have provided tons of fresh information about the patronage that Pakistan officially extends to terrorists. The catastrophic earthquake might have caused some physical damage to the terrorist infrastructure but they were restored quickly with the aid of the Pakistani army which otherwise proved to be heartless when it came to helping the Kashmiri victims of the October 8 quake.

The government keeps maintaining that the activities of terrorists will not hamper the peace process with Pakistan. But it will be a mistake to ignore the strong public sentiments which have been aroused by the frequency of terrorist attacks, each of which with a clear Pakistani imprint.

In fact, the responsibility for the car bomb attack on the day Ghulam Nabi Azad was taking over from Mufti Mohammed Sayeed was taken by the Pakistan-based Jaish-e- Mohammed, a terrorist outfit raised by a man released from an Indian prison by the NDA government.

After a suicide attack at Srinagar’s Lal Chowk, the police was able to catch a suicide attacker, a 20-year-old Pakistani youth. The arrests made in connection with the Delhi blasts have shown a ‘foreign’ hand that among other things had sent Rs 15 lakh to the prime suspect, Tariq Ahmed Dar, days before the Sarojini Nagar blast in Delhi.

The Pakistanis and Kashmiri militants trained by Pakistan continue to cross the LoC, bringing in a deadly cargo to be used for killing innocent civilians in pursuance of the Pakistani dream of annexing Kashmir from India. The opening of five points along the LoC will come in handy for the Pakistanis entering India with evil designs.

It may be recalled that some of the Pakistanis who had ‘disappeared’ after their cricket visa for witnessing an India-Pakistan match in India had expired had taken part in some of the anti-India activities and acts of terrorism in the country. Pakistan rarely lets go an opportunity to exploit any situation for its nefarious purposes.

The softening of the LoC may please the ordinary Kashmiris on either side of the line but clearly the government of India has to be extra vigilant about its misuse by the Pakistanis.

Indians expect their government to take extra precautions when allowing people from Pakistan or PoK to enter India and it has to be made sure that all of them return.

- Syndicate Features -

Edited and published by Vaniram from B-308, Puneet Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-96 and photocopied at Malik Photostat, Shop No.SS-03, Gulmohar Commercial Complex, Sector-15, Noida, New Delhi, India.
Phone: +91 11 22617660

2,812 posted on 11/24/2005 8:59:54 PM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Print Page | Close Window Al-Zawahiri's Knights under the Prophet's Banner Topic: Date: 11/24/2005

Topic author: Aftahan Subject: Al-Zawahiri's Knights under the Prophet's Banner Posted on: 11/24/2005 05:59:36 AM Message:

Ayman Al-Zawahiri's Knights under the Prophet's Banner: the al-Qaeda Manifesto.(Review Essay)(Book Review) Military Review - January 1, 2005 Youssef H. Aboul-Enein

To understand al-Qaeda, one must read the books of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's principal ideologue and chief strategic thinker. After Osama bin-Laden, Al-Zawahiri is the most-wanted Middle Eastern terrorist. The FBI has a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture or arrest.

In 2001, Al-Zawahiri published Knights under the Prophet's Banner (Fursan Taht Rayah Al-Nabi) even as the empire he built with Bin-Laden, and Taliban leader Mullah Omar crumbled under the weight of U.S. air, special operations forces, as well as the Northern Alliance assaults.

(1) Initially serialized in the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper in 12 installments beginning in early December 2001, Knights under the Prophet's Banner can now be found in the back alleys of any major Arab city.

(2) The word "knights" in the title refers to the members of the jihadist movement while evoking the image of the knights of the crusades.

The book begins with Al-Zawahiri saying: "I have written this book ... to fulfill the duty entrusted to me towards our generation and future generations. Perhaps I will be unable to write afterwards in the midst of these circumstances and changing conditions." According to Al-Zawahiri, the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks were just an opening salvo against the Christian and Jewish "infidels."

Al-Zawahiri sees the United States, Israel, and Israel's Western and Arab allies as the "first force" and Islamic militant movements that depend on God alone the "second force." He believes the United States is removing Islam from power through rigged elections, brutality, and force. He views treaties, peace negotiations, and bans on weapons as steps in the direct occupation of Muslim land by U.S. forces.

To Al-Zawahiri, jihad is an ideological struggle for survival--a war with no truce. He believes the Islamic jihadist movement should strike Islam's enemies, using the Luxor incident of 1997 as the means and as an example) He supports the growth of jihad among youths and numbers his success in the tens of thousands of young men in Arab prisons around the Middle East.

Al-Zawahiri says the jihad has not stopped, and the movement is either attacking or preparing an attack. He asserts Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's replacement of six interior ministers is proof of jihadist success. He also says acts of violence, beginning with the Egyptian Islamic jihad attack on the Military Technical College in 1974 and the agitation in Southern Egypt of the early 1980s, were poorly planned, emphasizing that deriving lessons from mistakes and improving the potency of jihadic operations should be hallmarks of Islamic militant movements.

From a U.S. military force-protection perspective, Part Seven of Al-Zawahiri's book reveals that the 1999 joint U.S.-Arab military exercise, Bright Star, was designed to keep fundamentalists from seizing political power, equating the exercise to the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt in 1798.

(4) He claims the timing of Bright star was not an accident; it was timed to observe the 200th anniversary of the French occupation of Egypt. To him, U.S. troop commitments are evidence of a victory for jihad forces. He combines his interpretation of Islam, Egyptian history, and news reports on U.S.-Egyptian military exercises to weave his own conspiratorial web to encourage youth to embrace his political objectives through violence and terror.

Al-Zawahiri dreams of a future jihad in the southern Russian Republics, Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan to unite a nuclear Pakistan and the gas-rich Caspian region to serve jihad. Al-Zawahiri identifies the following targets for al-Qaeda and its affiliates: * The United Nations. * Arab rulers. * Multinational corporations. * The Internet. * International news and satellite media. * International relief organizations, which he believes are covers for spying, proselytizing, attempted coups, and weapons transfers.

Al-Zawahiri urges Islamic militants to take matters into their own hands: "Tracking down Americans and Jews is not impossible. Killing them with a single bullet, stab, or a device made up of an explosive mix or hitting them with an iron rod is not impossible. [S]mall groups could [prove to] be a horror against Americans and Jews." These words bring to mind the actions of Beltway Snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo, who killed 10 people in the Washington, D.C., area in a 2002 shooting spree.

Mir Amal Kansi was another famous lone-jihadist, who killed two CIA agents in 1993. Kansi was caught in 1997 by the FBI in Pakistan and extradited to the United States. Al-Zawahiri urges his followers to inflict maximum casualties in the West, advocates a cost-benefit assessment of martyrdom operations, urges attacks on the enemy's power structure, and advocates patience, planning, and maximum damage to cause mass disruption. Although he is not specific about targets, one can deduce he means banks, transportation links, and energy refineries.

The Al-Zawahiri and Bin-Laden tapes that appear on Al-Jazirah television cannot be fully understood without first reading Al-Zawahiri's book. Creating a serious psychological operations campaign without delving into his book would be difficult.

Egyptian Islamic Jihad became so unpopular in Egypt in the late 1990s that Al-Zawahiri developed the strategy of striking the enemy (the United States) afar instead of near (Arab governments). Refuting Al-Zawahiri's theories and selective use of Islamic history is critical to the ideological fight against al-Qaeda.

For further study of Al-Zawahiri, I recommend The Road to al-Qaeda: The Story of Bin Laden "s Right Hand Man by Islamist lawyer and former radical Montassser el-Zayat, who spent time in prison with Al-Zawahiri and is now highly critical of Al-Zawahiri's actions.

(5) This book, which is the best English translation of a critical analysis of Al-Zawahiri's theories, takes readers inside the mind of a geostrategic Islamic militant. The book is from El-Zayyat's original, Al-Al-Zawahiri Kama Araftuh (Al-Zawahiri as 1 knew him).

(6) These books represent the new frontier in military studies. Books by Islamic militants contain valuable tips for those involved in force protection, counterterrorism, and counterinsurgency tactics.

NOTES (1.) Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Fursan Taht Rayah Al-Nabi (Knights under the Prophet's Banner) (Casablanca, Morocco: Dar-al-Najaah Al-Jadeedah, 2001).

(2.) I prepared this review essay by collecting the 11 installments of the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat in Arabic that first appeared in December 2001. The translation represents my understanding of the material. Any errors or omissions are my own.

(3.) In November 1997, the Egyptian Islamic extremist group al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group or IlG) staged a brutal attack that left 58 tourists and 4 Egytians dead. The attack, which occurred at Hatshepsut's Temple in Luxor, became the worst attack on tourists in Egypt's history.

See U.S. Department of State Publication 10535, Patterns of Global Terrorism (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997), on-line at , accessed 21 December, 2004.

(4.) Egyptian military forces and members of the U.S. Central Command's Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and special operations components participated in the 1999 Exercise Bright Star, a joint/combined training exercise in Egypt. Military forces from a dozen nations, including France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Spain, and the United Kingdom, participated in the exercise (Department of Defense News Release 485-01, 3 October 2001).

(5.) Montassser el-Zayat, The Road to al-Qaeda: The Story of Bin Laden's Right Hand Man (Stealing, VA: Pluto Press, 2004).

(6.) Zayyat, Al-Al-Zawahiri Kama Araftuh (Al-Zawahiri as I knew him) (Cairo: Dar Misr Al-Mahrusa, 2002). Lieutenant Commander Youssef Aboul-Enein. U.S. Navy, is a Medical Service Corps and Middle East-North Africa Foreign Area Officer. He received a B.B.A. from the University of Mississippi, an M.B.A. and M.H.S.A from the University of Arkansas, and an M.S. from the Joint Military Intelligence College. He is the Director for North Africa and Egypt and Special Advisor on Islamic militancy at the Office of the Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. ________________________________________ Citation Details Title: Ayman Al-Zawahiri's Knights under the Prophet's Banner: the al-Qaeda Manifesto.(Review Essay)(Book Review) Author: Youssef H. Aboul-Enein Publication: Military Review (Magazine/Journal) Date: January 1, 2005 Publisher: U.S. Army CGSC Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Page: 83(2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SomaliPress : © 2005 SomaliPress All Rights Reserved.

2,822 posted on 11/25/2005 12:07:34 AM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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To: All,%20Jakarta%20to%20Set%20Up%20Group%20to%20Combat%20Terrorism

Friday, 25, November, 2005 (23, Shawwal, 1426)

Islamabad, Jakarta to Set Up Group to Combat Terrorism
Azhar Masood, Arab News —

ISLAMABAD, 25 November 2005 — Pakistan and Indonesia have agreed to enhance their existing bilateral trade, forge closer coordination and combat the menace of terrorism in their respective regions.

Describing terrorism as one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, the two nations decided to set up a joint working group (JWG) to combat terrorism, an official statement said.

The decision to set up the JWG was taken at formal talks between the visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

“The two leaders believed that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security,” said a joint statement after the talks.

However, they called for countering tendencies to associate terrorism with any religion and addressing the root causes of terrorism, which include poverty, inequity, injustice and oppression. They said while Islamic societies need to further reform themselves, the world community must also address the root causes of terrorism.

On bilateral trade, it was agreed to take measures to elevate it further from the current $600 million to at least $1 billion in the near future.

Welcoming signing of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership (FACEP) between Pakistani and Indonesian officials, the two countries expressed willingness to ink a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) soon.

“It was also decided to negotiate a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) in the near future in order to boost economic cooperation,” said the statement.

On regional security situation, the Indonesian president welcomed commencement of peace talks between Pakistan and India to address all outstanding problems including the dispute over the Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir.

He also expressed his nations condolences over the colossal loss of life in the Oct. 8 earthquake that struck parts of northern Pakistan and its administered Kashmir region. Yudhoyono is scheduled to visit the quake-hit areas in the Kashmir region today, on his two days visit.

Musharraf and Yudhoyono also discussed the issues being faced by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The two presidents felt that the OIC could be made a more vibrant vehicle for the Islamic countries to voice their collective issues at the international forums.

— Additional input from agencies
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2,835 posted on 11/25/2005 10:36:35 AM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Possible Bird Flu in Israel. Posting of Promed Comments - not entire article.

ProMED-mail [The clinical symptoms of the patient, admitted to hospital several days after disease onset, included high fever (40C/104F), cough, headache, weakness, pneumonia and slight diarrhoea. When he later disclosed his involvement in feeding migratory birds it was apparent the case met the clinical and epidemiologic criteria for avian influenza.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Health's Guidelines for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals relating to avian influenza suspected cases were put into operation (for the 1st time in Israel) and samples were sent to the Central Virology Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer. Real-time PCR and RT-PCR of pharyngeal swabs for H5 were applied with negative results; the testing of bronchoalveolar lavage, which requires invasive procedures, was considered but was found not justifiable in view of the improvement in the patient's condition.

When the serological test (HI) was later found positive, the decision was made to repeat the tests and to send serum samples to the UK-based influenza reference laboratory for serum neutralisation tests.

The Veterinary Services (Ministry of Agriculture) have been operating a field surveillance scheme for H5N1 since October 2005, covering both domestic as well as wild avians. The survey in wild birds includes sampling and testing of sick or dead birds; allegedly, several hundred samples have already been tested, all with negative results. It has been contemplated to include, in the near future, the testing of randomly sampled healthy wild birds as well. According to the plan, this survey, to be cooperatively applied with the Nature Reserve Authority, will be combined with the birds' ringing [banding].

Israel is a main flyway of migratory birds on their route from Europe to the Near East and Africa; it is estimated that around 500 million birds pass through Israel annually in each direction. - Mod.AS] [Blood tests for antibody will not identify virulent H5N1, only the sequencing of PCR-amplified genome will. Even a seroconversion between his early and late blood samples, or the finding of IgM antibody, would not prove conclusively that his illness was due to H5N1 virus; he might have had a mild infection and his pneumonia could have been due to a different cause. - Mod.CP/JW]

2,837 posted on 11/25/2005 11:23:02 AM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Chavez extends oil diplomacy to US
Thursday 24th November, 2005 Posted: 15:55 CIT (20:55 GMT)
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) – Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has strengthened alliances across Latin America through generous oil deals, and now he is extending them to the United States – starting to ship discounted heating oil in a plan to help tens of thousands of low–income Americans in Massachusetts and New York.

Venezuela’s Citgo Petroleum Corp. made a symbolic first delivery of heating oil to one Boston family on Tuesday, and starting next month shipments are due to reach thousands of other homes, plus public facilities from hospitals to homeless shelters.

Chavez, a leftist fiercely opposed to U.S. President George W. Bush, calls his program an act of justice for poor Americans who he says have been neglected by their government. His critics call it a political stunt aimed at needling Bush, but others say Chavez is likely to win praise among some Americans for bypassing Washington to make his point.

Linda Kelly of Quincy, Massachusetts, said she feels grateful to Chavez for the fuel that her family of five received at a 40 percent discount.

"He’s doing the right thing," Kelly, 44, said in a phone interview Wednesday. "The people of Venezuela are lucky to have him. That’s what government is supposed to be about – taking care of the little guy."

Larry Birns, director of the Washington–based Council on Hemispheric Affairs, calls it "a pretty brilliant strategy" by Chavez.

"How are you going to retaliate for keeping people warm for winter?" Birns said

Chavez has called Bush a "madman" and said Venezuela must be prepared to repel a U.S. attack if necessary. Washington denies any such plans but has accused Chavez of endangering Venezuelan democracy and being a destabilizing force in the region.

The Venezuelan president says he poses no threat and is simply trying to help the poor. Just over half of Venezuelans live in poverty, according to the nation’s state–run National Statistics Institute.

Shipments of Venezuelan heating oil also are headed this winter to the Bronx in New York City, and Maine has expressed interest in exploring a similar deal.

Chavez says he hopes the project may eventually be extended elsewhere in the United States.
(part of article has been deleted)

2,838 posted on 11/25/2005 11:39:15 AM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Backlash uniting Muslims: expert
By Barney Zwartz, Religion Editor
November 26, 2005

THE heavy-handed nature of the war on terror and the suspension of civil liberties are uniting Muslims against the West, one of the world's experts on Islam and politics warned yesterday.

James Piscatori, from Oxford University's Centre of Islamic Studies, said the battle for Muslim minds was still in the balance, though there were positive signs.

"We are going to win against the bad guys, the radicals, because they could never sustain a broad-based movement, though they will still do spectacular acts of violence," he said.

He believes the war on terror is necessary, but aspects, such as America's Guantanamo Bay prison and security laws that restrict civil liberties fuelled Muslim fears.

Professor Piscatori, in Melbourne for a two-day conference on Islam, security and xenophobia run by Monash and Deakin Universities, said some people thought Osama bin Laden had already won because there was such distrust and fear in Western societies.

He said the perception of global jihad was overstated, because radical Muslim groups were fragmented. Al-Qaeda's recent suicide bombings in Jordan had increased Muslim opposition to the policy.

Meanwhile, governments had to speak to all Muslim factions, including radicals, and keep lines of communication open.

While he could understand that Prime Minister John Howard might fear that sharing a platform with such leaders as radical Melbourne cleric Mohammed Omran might give them legitimacy, this was outweighed by the benefits of appearing to listen and being inclusive.

Professor Piscatori said the internet was increasingly important in shaping attitudes. "For example, students in Birmingham can tell you in detail what's happening in the Philippines.

"It can enhance the sense of victimisation and injustice, but it also leads to a fragmenting of authority." Where once young Muslims might have sat at the feet of a sheikh, now they sat alone in front of a computer terminal.

Professor Piscatori said Australian multiculturalism — where the Government was less interventionist than in Canada — was a role model for the world and was being closely watched in Britain.

Associate Professor Fethi Mansouri of Deakin University said that winding back multiculturalism in Australia, as some people were advocating, could produce French-style tension.

He said France had created a segregated community which did not feel French and which the rest of France did not consider French. Australian multiculturalism, which provided support for cultural groups, was a far superior system.

2,840 posted on 11/25/2005 12:14:47 PM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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Jakarta expels US terrorism expert
November 26, 2005

AN AMERICAN expert on terrorism and Islamic militancy in South-East Asia has been expelled from Indonesia for the second year in a row.

Sidney Jones, Indonesia director of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG), said she had been barred from entering Jakarta on Thursday on her return from a short trip to Taiwan. Her residency card had been confiscated, she said.

"It's just a complete mystery. There was no reason and no warning. If there had been a warning I would have taken more than two days of clothes," Ms Jones, 53, said from Singapore.

"I was allowed back at the end of July and everything seemed fine. I was assured that we were in a new era."

Ms Jones had been expelled in June 2004 under a different administration after hard-hitting reports on terrorism in Indonesia. In July this year she was allowed back to live in Indonesia.

Yuri Thamrin, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, confirmed Ms Jones had been denied entry.

"Based on my checks, the restriction still applies for her to enter Indonesia, but there is a possibility her status will be reviewed in due course," he said without elaborating.

Ms Jones' fresh expulsion could be an embarrassment to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who has been winning plaudits from the international community for his openness and efforts to cement democracy in Indonesia.

Ms Jones said her most recent reports for the ICG had been about a landmark peace deal with rebels from Aceh province and militancy in Indonesia's east.

Officials at Jakarta's airport on Thursday showed her a computer printout which said there was a letter from the Immigration Department in effect from October 7 barring her entry, Ms Jones said. It was unclear why the order had taken so long to be implemented, she said.

Ms Jones said she had tried unsuccessfully to reach Indonesia's Justice Minister and Mr Yudhoyono's aides.

"From this vantage point it looks like a throwback," she said, referring to Indonesia's authoritarian past when it was not uncommon for Jakarta to deny entry to journalists and academics.

Ms Jones speaks fluent Indonesian and is a leading analyst on Indonesian affairs, especially on the Jemaah Islamiah terrorist network.

Indonesia also barred Australian academic Edward Aspinall, an expert on the civil conflict in Aceh and a frequent visitor to Indonesia, from entering the country earlier this year.

2,841 posted on 11/25/2005 12:31:39 PM PST by nw_arizona_granny (1-You pray to God, 2- You listen for his answer, 3- You do as God suggested, not as you had planned.)
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