Where does it say Southern Baptist were trying to convert anyone?? Perhaps you are referring to this...
to minister in the name of Jesus Christ.
To minister is to serve and that is what they did.
Perhaps you can help me understand the bigotry going on here. A couple of examples...
IF pro lifers ever had an organization to help others in a natural disaster, would you be offended if they 'set aside' bottles from Planned Parenthood?
IF the NRA was to set up relief help (HA), would you approve of them handing out coffee in cups that say "Guns Kill"??
You can mock my Lord all you want, but the battle is done.
That's a weak one. The cans don't say "Drink our beer."
Your examples are totally off-base, as is your view. The cans had water and were not labeled as beer in any way.
If y'all really think water is evil, God help you.