Mark's been terrific this evening. Among other things he had Andy McCarthy (buddy of Mark's and fellow NRO contributor) who has great respect for Fitzgerald. They had an informative back and forth about Libby, the merits of the charges etc.
- Mark told us the doc's stolen by Sandy Burglar were the HIGHEST classification.
- Harry Reid is having a meltdown on national tv.
- Trent Lott muses on the viability of Karl Rove in his current position at the White House.
-Tom DeLay has a MEGA competent attorney- got the judge ( contributor) bumped from DeLay's case.
trent Lott...I can't stand that guy..viability of Rove? How about the viability of a political hack like Lott. He's Mr. No "Beitzim"...the man is a wimp
I wonder if would be considered "double jeopardy" to go back after Sandy that we know that the papers he stole and DESTROYED were of the highest classified type???
Shouldn't we the American people get a shot at what should happen...after all, THAT is national security we are talking about..
AND, at the very least, he should NEVER get his security clearance back.