No, but I think they should. Who do you think should clean it up? At least with my idea the people who profit from selling the stuff bear the burden. As far back as the Code of Hammurabi, the best laws have been those that make people responsible for their own decisions.
Who should clean it up?
A few ideas in no particular order...
1. You
When I see trash that offends me at my condo I pick it up and throw it out.
2. Young Offenders
Does your small town have a few good kids that did something dumb. Great way to have them pay off a small debt to society.
3. The Litterers themselves.
Most states have steep fines for litering. It shouldn't be hard to post a police officer inconspicously to enforce the law. Litterers get a choice $500 fine or a couple days cleaning up the road side.
Walmart and McDonalds are not responsible for the litter of their customers, any more than a car manufacturer is responsible for a collission involving one of their cars.