Take a pill, man. Mr. Rice simply fell back to his training, it was poor judgement on Mr. Pelletier's(SP) part and if he thinks about it, he'll agree.
That type of holster in the small of your back is extremely difficult to maintain weapon retention. Even the article says that the police came up behind him and disarmed him.
"Take a pill, man. Mr. Rice simply fell back to his training,"
Another who has to insult while saying nothing new.
Mr. Rice has never heard of 'deterrent'.
If deterrence didn't work, whuy do we have a standing Army and Navy?
Why did we have ICBM's if deterrencec didn't work?
Mr. Rice needs to brush up on 'deterrence'.
And he needs to brush up on NH law.
I'm guessing it would be a birth control pill - to stop those cows DS keeps having...
Especially since he had his nose buried in a book.
Especially since he had his nose buried in a book.
"Excuse me are you aware you have a open gun on your back? If someone grabs it and does something bad with it you would be liable."
This sounds like what should have been said to him.