I live in Northwest Arkansas. Many northern transplants move here to retire to get away from the liberal hellhole you guys have created in Pennsylvania. :-)
Unfortunately, I'm afraid many are trying to create a new one here...
It's getting even worse here. Maybe I'll come down and move into a double-wide next to the Kleenton library. lol I was just kidding anyway. You guys are all right.
I was over in Rogers and Springdale today. I absolutely hate going over there. Between the queers, the illegals and the trashy looking, foul-mouthed teenagers, I can't even go shopping without wanting to rip somebody's head off. I long for the days when it was socially acceptable to tell these disrespectful little hooligans that they look like idiots and act like jackasses, and when business establishments expected demanded decent behavior instead of catering to the lowest common denominator. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see stores with "Fashions for Fags" and window sized display ads depicting men slobbering all over other men. And I've never seen so many Mexican flags, bumper stickers, etc. And how many Mexican restaurants does one town need??? Seems there's one on darn near every corner. My question is, if they love Mexico so much, why don't they go back there? At the end of a few hours over there, I can't get home fast enough. How do you stand it day in and day out?